Travelers to Italy will never forsake the country’s legendary heavy hitters like Rome, Venice, and Florence; a growing number of discerning tourists are partaking in the delights of Bologna. And budget travel in Italy is doable, even in one of its wealthiest cities.
Parma is home to two of Italy’s most renowned culinary exports — Parmigiano Reggiano and prosciutto di Parma. Nestled in an area known as food valley, Parma has been producing key ingredients for Italian cuisine for centuries; today they are exported all over the world.
Summertime in Italy is a treat: beautiful beaches, wonderful food, and stunning architecture. But it is also really, really hot. How do you keep yourself refreshed and alert while taking in all that Italy has to offer? Why, delving into Italian coffee culture of course!
Just over an hour from Rome by train, Naples sits under the rumbling watch of Mount Vesuvius, a city steeped in history.
Italy has evolved a tremendously rich and diverse food and culture that spans dozens of diverse regions and thousands of years. Locavores before the word existed, Italians are committed to the best products from the regions best suited for their production.
As in many European countries, tipping in Italy may be quite different from what you’re used to in North American.
There is no more quintessential part of Italian food culture than pasta. Pasta can be at once extremely familiar and very foreign. You may have grown up eating lasagna and macaroni & cheese, but there’s a cornucopia of different types of pasta.
Whether you're taking a train from Rome to Florence, exploring the streets of Naples or doing…
Where Wine Reigns, Talk Does Too
It hits your nose first. The server is coming your way with a plate in hand, a warm steaming pizza that was freshly made and just pulled from the oven. You lean back in your chair and soak up the sights, feeling a bit more in Italy with every bite you take.